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Battling Cancer and Making the Best of It

To start off, I want to introduce myself. I’m Devon Glasgow and I’m 24 years old going through something no one would ever imagine having to go through: Cancer. It’s the dreaded 6 letter word that will change one’s life forever. I want to share my message with everyone about how I personally make the best of everything I’m going through and let you know positivity is the key!

To me, the hardest day was the day I actually found out I have cancer. The doctor came in and gave me the results of the biopsy and told me the news I least expected; I have epithelioid sarcoma, a rare soft tissue cancer that could not be treated in my hometown because of how rare the cancer is. He left me in the room by myself to process the information he had just told me. He let me use the computer to look up facilities to treat me. Just looking at all of the resources available and knowing there are so many places, charities, foundations, and support groups to help really eased my mind. At first, there were a million things running through my mind like the main thing, “why me”. It didn’t take long for me to answer that question.

I didn’t dwell on the issue, but instead, but instead started thinking of all of the positive things that could/would come out of this. The main thing I kept telling myself is that this is going to be a great chance to get even closer to all of my friends and family, and let me tell you, that couldn’t be more true. Another good thing I knew that would come out of this is that I would finally get a chance to do what I’ve always wanted to do; help and inspire others. I knew this was going to mean some life changing things were going to come but it’s nothing that I couldn’t mentally and physically prepare myself for. Look at it as a time to make lifestyle changes and become a better person than you already are. Everyone always has room for improvement so do what you can to better yourself and help others. Do what makes you happy!

You have to take what you have been given and make the best of it. Trust me it makes things sooo much easier. I’ll be honest there may be some tough days ahead, but don’t over think things because with positivity and the power of prayer great things will happen. No matter what news you may get don’t think about the negatives think “how can I make something positive come out of this”.

If you ever have a crappy day just know there are always better days to come. Never once think you are in this fight by yourself, because there are more people than you think that are willing to bend over backwards to help with what you’re going through. I’ll be honest at first I didn’t think I’d get any use out of following support groups or foundation pages, but I was wrong. Very wrong. I have talked with a lot of people who have helped ease my mind and help better inform me on what to expect. At times it’s nice to have someone to talk to who knows what you’re going through. Also remember this isn’t the end of the world it’s just a bump in the road. Big things can be achieved and overcome with the right mentality, the willingness to fight, and prayer.

Technology has advanced so much these days that it’s amazing what doctors and their teams can do. Always remember no matter what they have to do to your body to get rid of the cancer, they have many different ways to get you back to where you were before or even better. If there’s anything you can do to make things better for yourself, it is to stay positive and DON’T GIVE UP. We are all one big family and with prayer and positivity great things will happen. Trust in the doctors and trust in yourself.

If you have a family member or friend that has cancer and would like someone to talk to about it and learn more about what to expect don’t hesitate to email me or message me on Facebook or join a support group you’ll be amazed at who is willing to help.

Lastly I’d like to share this quote that has inspired me.

“The experienced mountain climber is not intimidated by a mountain-he is inspired by it. The persistent winner is not discouraged by a problem-he is challenged by it. Mountains are created to be conquered; adversities are designed to be defeated; problems are sent to be solved. It’s better to master one mountain than a thousand foothills.” -William Arthur Ward

Keep your head up. God gives the hardest battles to his toughest soldiers.


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